As the Allied forces occupy Japan at the end of World War II, an intense love affair develops between Australian Allen \'Spin\' Bowler, an interpreter in the British army, and Momoko, a woman whose calmness and dignity veil the tiredness and defeat she has suffered. In the quiet sanctuary of Momoko\'s room, Spin gradually sheds his shy bookish self and their love blossoms. Ho As the Allied forces occupy Japan at the end of World War II, an intense love affair develops between Australian Allen \'Spin\' Bowler, an interpreter in the British army, and Momoko, a woman whose calmness and dignity veil the tiredness and defeat she has suffered. In the quiet sanctuary of Momoko\'s room, Spin gradually sheds his shy bookish self and their love blossoms. However, the betrayal that follows has devastating consequences, forever changing the course of both their lives.
As the Allied forces occupy Japan at the end of World War II, an intense love affair develops between Australian Allen \'Spin\' Bowler, an interpreter in the British army, and Momoko, a woman whose calmness and dignity veil the tiredness and defeat she has suffered. In the quiet sanctuary of Momoko\'s room, Spin gradually sheds his shy bookish self and their love blossoms. Ho As the Allied forces occupy Japan at the end of World War II, an intense love affair develops between Australian Allen \'Spin\' Bowler, an interpreter in the British army, and Momoko, a woman whose calmness and... Read More